About Us
- PAUL IT-Service GmbH (PAUL IT) is an established IT service company in Berlin. We manage extensive IT projects nationwide across Germany and provide professional and individually designed IT services.
Our focus is on first and second level support, administration, project coordination and programming.
Our customers include various federal authorities, federal ministries and companies in large-scale industry and the energy sector.
Our teams, put together based on your needs, provide fully customized IT services at a high level of quality. - Paul IT was founded in 2011 and is managed by Petra Ebeling and Patrick Kümmel since 2015. As a mixed leadership team, they promote an open, respectful, and innovative corporate culture in conjuction with the succdessful development of Paul IT.
- Our IT experts operate out of Berlin and Cottbuss, as well as at customer sites throughout Germany.
The Team
Working with us
High level of expertise
Our employees are highly motivated and provide outstanding technical and methodological IT expertise.
Years of experience
We have been successfully implementing IT projects throughout Germany since 2011 within the public sector as well as for companies in the energy industry. Our security cleared staff have many years of and IT expertise and experience within public authority structures.
Efficient Structures
Our day to day operations are fast and efficient. Thanks to agile processes and short decision-making paths, we are able to respond quickly your concerns and inquiries.
Long Term Continuity
As a reliable business partner, we provide our reliable IT services continuously throughout the entire project period.
Strong Partner Network
Our clients profit from our strong networkk of successful IT and personell servieces throughout Germany.